Lunar Occultation prediction for August 2011 DELHI
Time is in UT
Time is in UT
day Time P Star Sp Mag Mag % Elon Sun Moon CA PA
d h m s No D v r V ill Alt Alt Az o o
4 14 50 00 D 1852cA2 6.0 6.0 29+ 65 20 243 74N 100
1852 is double
1852 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
7 13 44 07 d 2249cK1 6.7 6.0 62+ 104 -2 39 183 77S 115
2249 is double
2249 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
10 16 25 26 M 2725wK5 5.4 4.5s 90+ 143 39 181 12S 164
28 Sagittarii
10 20 52 12 d 2746 G8 5.7 5.1 91+ 145 9 239 61N 57
33 Sagittarii
12 20 24 22 D 3015SB7 5.2 99+ 168 35 222 50N 51
tau Capricorni
3015 is triple
3015 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
16 21 53 09 R 3501 *5 5.0 3.6v 91- 145 62 210 49S 199
TX Piscium = 19 Piscium
3501 = TX Psc, 4.79 to 5.2, V, Type LB
20 20 36 50 R 421wF8 6.6 6.3 60- 101 46 91 56N 287
421 is double: AB 6.6 13.0 17.2" 14.0
21 19 02 46 r 525 A* 6.5 6.4 51- 91 16 75 58S 225
14 H1. Tauri
22 20 35 37 R 688DF2 6.8 40- 79 26 77 52N 299
688 is double
688 is a close double. Observations are highly desired
22 23 54 43 D 709MB3 4.3 39- 77 -7 68 99 -74N 67
tau Tauri
709 is triple
709 has been reported as non-instantaneous (S 455).
23 01 27 38 R 709MB3 4.3 39- 77 13 84 175 74N 278
tau Tauri
709 is triple
709 has been reported as non-instantaneous (S 455).
Observations are highly desired
23 20 50 32 R 828 K0 6.3 5.7 30- 67 18 74 22S 199
24 20 44 15 R 984cG5 6.5 6.0 21- 55 6 68 80N 281
14 Geminorum
984 is double
984 has been reported as non-instantaneous (OCc 632).
Observations are highly desired
31 13 36 04 d 1800 A0 5.5 5.5 9+ 34 -6 11 253 54N 85
R1800 = 21 Virginis
Item | Meaning |
Day | The day of the event. Occult searches for events on the basis of geocentric conjunctions that occur within a 24hr - with that period starting at the UT indicated in the date selection box. Users should ensure that the period starts near the middle of their day. |
Time | The predicted UTC, in hours, mins and secs. |
P | The Phase of the event. Values are:
Star | The star identifier. Three formats are used:
D | The double star code |
Sp | Star's spectral type. Only basic spectral type information is provided |
Mag v | The star's visual magnitude |
Mag r | The star's red magnitude. For observers using CCD video cameras, the red magnitude provides a better indication of visibility. |
D | The variable star code |
% ill | the percent illumination of the moon. If followed by a +, values are for a waxing moon; - for a waning moon; and E for illumination during a lunar eclipse. |
Elon | the elongation of the moon from the sun, in degrees. [Strictly, the quantity is calculated as the elongation of the star from the sun] |
Sun Alt | the altitude of the sun. The field is blank if the sun is lower than -12 deg. (Nautical twilight) |
Moon Alt | the altitude of the moon |
Moon Az | the azimuth of the moon |
CA | Cusp Angle - the angle of the event around the limb of the moon, measured from the nearest cusp. -'ve values indicate a bright limb event. The cusps are usually N (north) or S (south), but near full moon can be E (East) or W (west). If a lunar eclipse is in progress, CA gives is the % distance from the centre of the umbra, and is followed by a 'U'. Values up to 103% are possible. Where an event occurs more than 103% of the umbral radius, the usual Cusp Angle value is displayed. |
PA | Position Angle - the angle of the event around the limb of the moon, measured from true north |
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