Saturday, July 30, 2011

Lunar Occultation prediction for August 2011 DELHI

Lunar Occultation prediction for August 2011 DELHI
Time is in UT

day  Time   P   Star  Sp  Mag  Mag    % Elon Sun  Moon   CA   PA
 d  h  m  s      No  D     v    r V  ill     Alt Alt Az   o    o
 4 14 50 00 D    1852cA2  6.0  6.0   29+  65     20 243  74N 100
1852 is double
1852 is a close double. Observations are highly desired

 7 13 44 07 d    2249cK1  6.7  6.0   62+ 104  -2 39 183  77S 115
2249 is double
2249 is a close double. Observations are highly desired

10 16 25 26 M    2725wK5  5.4  4.5s  90+ 143     39 181  12S 164
28 Sagittarii

10 20 52 12 d    2746 G8  5.7  5.1   91+ 145      9 239  61N  57
33 Sagittarii

12 20 24 22 D    3015SB7  5.2        99+ 168     35 222  50N  51
tau Capricorni
3015 is triple
3015 is a close double. Observations are highly desired

16 21 53 09 R    3501 *5  5.0  3.6v  91- 145     62 210  49S 199
TX Piscium = 19 Piscium
3501 = TX Psc, 4.79 to 5.2, V, Type LB

20 20 36 50 R     421wF8  6.6  6.3   60- 101     46  91  56N 287
421 is double: AB 6.6 13.0 17.2"  14.0

21 19 02 46 r     525 A*  6.5  6.4   51-  91     16  75  58S 225
14 H1. Tauri

22 20 35 37 R     688DF2  6.8        40-  79     26  77  52N 299
688 is double
688 is a close double. Observations are highly desired

22 23 54 43 D     709MB3  4.3        39-  77  -7 68  99 -74N  67
tau Tauri
709 is triple
709 has been reported as non-instantaneous (S   455).

23 01 27 38 R     709MB3  4.3        39-  77  13 84 175  74N 278
tau Tauri
709 is triple
709 has been reported as non-instantaneous (S   455).
Observations are highly desired

23 20 50 32 R     828 K0  6.3  5.7   30-  67     18  74  22S 199

24 20 44 15 R     984cG5  6.5  6.0   21-  55      6  68  80N 281
14 Geminorum
984 is double
984 has been reported as non-instantaneous (OCc 632).
Observations are highly desired

31 13 36 04 d    1800 A0  5.5  5.5    9+  34  -6 11 253  54N  85 
R1800 = 21 Virginis

The day of the event. Occult searches for events on the basis of geocentric conjunctions that occur within a 24hr - with that period starting at the UT indicated in the date selection box. Users should ensure that the period starts near the middle of their day.
The predicted UTC, in hours, mins and secs.
The Phase of the event. Values are:
  • D - disappearance
  • d - disappearance, but star is less than 1 mag brighter than the predicted visibility limit.
  • R - reappearance
  • r - reappearance, but star is less than 1 mag brighter than the predicted visibility limit.
  • Gr - grazing occultation at site. At mid-occultation, or closest approach, the star is less than 4" from the limb of the moon (either above or below).
  • gr - grazing occultation at site, but star is less than 1 mag brighter than the predicted visibility limit.
  • M - miss. At closest approach, the star is more than 4" above the limb of the moon 
  • m - miss, but star is less than 1 mag brighter than the predicted visibility limit.
The star identifier. Three formats are used:
  • nnnn - A ZC star. When reporting occultations, the catalogue is identified with 'R'.
  • nnnnn, or
    nnnnnn - An SAO star. When reporting occultations, the catalogue is identified with 'R'.
  • X nnnnnn - an XZ star. When reporting occultations, the catalogue is identified with 'X'.
The double star code
Star's spectral type. Only basic spectral type information is provided
Mag v
The star's visual magnitude
Mag r
The star's red magnitude. For observers using CCD video cameras, the red magnitude provides a better indication of visibility.
The variable star code
% ill
the percent illumination of the moon. If followed by a +, values are for a waxing moon; - for a waning moon; and E for illumination during a lunar eclipse.
the elongation of the moon from the sun, in degrees. [Strictly, the quantity is calculated as the elongation of the star from the sun]
Sun Alt
the altitude of the sun. The field is blank if the sun is lower than -12 deg. (Nautical twilight)
Moon Alt
the altitude of the moon
Moon Az
the azimuth of the moon
Cusp Angle - the angle of the event around the limb of the moon, measured from the nearest cusp. -'ve values indicate a bright limb event. The cusps are usually N (north) or S (south), but near full moon can be E (East) or W (west).

If a lunar eclipse is in progress, CA gives is the % distance from the centre of the umbra, and is followed by a 'U'. Values up to 103% are possible. Where an event occurs more than 103% of the umbral radius, the usual Cusp Angle value is displayed.
Position Angle - the angle of the event around the limb of the moon, measured from true north

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