Friday, September 30, 2011

Occultation prediction for DELHI India For October 2011 with telescope of min. 15 cm aperture

Occultation prediction for DELHI India
For October 2011 with telescope of min. 15 cm aperture

 day  Time   P   Star  Sp  Mag  Mag    % Elon Sun  Moon   CA   PA
 d  h  m  s      No  D     v    r V  ill     Alt Alt Az   o    o
 1 14  8 37 m  184189cA3  7.8  7.7   23+  57     15 233  14S 178
 4 14 43 13 d  187769 G5  8.1  7.6   55+  95     36 207  60S 114
 4 15 18 44 d  187789 B7  7.7  7.7s  55+  96     32 216  66N  59
 5 13 13 22 d  163192SA3  7.9  7.8   65+ 107 -10 43 165  51N  40
 5 14 23 49 d  163210 K1  7.6  6.9   65+ 107     44 188  35N  24
 6 18 52 38 d    3070 A3  6.6  6.5   75+ 120     18 243  55S 111
R3070 = 8 Aquarii
 7 12 49  0 d  164563 F8  7.6  7.3   82+ 130  -5 36 129  78S  86
 7 16 58 49 d    3184cK0  7.0  6.3   83+ 131     47 212  80S  84
 7 17  3 15 D    3185 G8  5.1  4.5   83+ 131     47 214  67S  98
R3185 = 46 Capricorni
 8 12 50  0 d    3290cF0  7.3  7.1   89+ 141  -5 31 117  86N  70
 9 14 55 32 d    3410 G6  7.6  7.1   95+ 153     50 130  38N  24
14 19 20 13 d     465 K2  4.4  3.8s  93- 150     72 114 -58S 103
R465 = Botein = delta Arietis
14 20 42 44 R     465 K2  4.4  3.8s  93- 150     81 197  56S 217
R465 = Botein = delta Arietis
465 = NSV 1066, 4.33 to 4.37, V
15 17  0 21 r     586 K0  6.8  6.3   88- 140     33  82  83N 264
15 18 21 59 r   76373 K0  7.6  7.0   88- 139     50  90  49S 216
15 22 32 10 R     601SG5  5.9  5.6   87- 138     73 252  25N 323
R601 = 39 Tauri
15 23 38 49 r   76456 K2  7.9  7.0   87- 138     58 266  47N 301
16 21 12 45 r     739wK0  7.2  6.5   80- 127     76 112  71N 283
18 19 23 14 r   78632wG5  7.4  6.9   63- 105     31  82  59S 244
18 21 31 56 R    1031 A0  7.1  7.0   62- 104     58  96  83S 268
18 21 38 49 R   78698 F8  7.2  6.9   62- 104     60  97  56N 309
18 22 52  6 r   78726 B9  8.3  8.3   62- 104     75 118  78N 287
19  0 43 49 r   78769 B8  7.7  7.8   62- 103  -3 76 239  74N 292
19 20 19 32 r   97072 A2  7.7  7.6   52-  93     31  85  75S 265
20  0 15 20 r   97168cA2  7.8  7.7   51-  92  -9 78 149  46S 236
20 22 12 24 r    1280 A2  8.1  7.9   41-  80     42  96  38N 336
22  0 44  5 gr   1410WK3  5.1  4.4   30-  66  -3 60 124 -13N  29
R1410 = 6 Leonis
22  0 44  6 Gr   1410WK3  5.1  4.4   30-  66  -3 60 ** GRAZE: CA
22 22 44 49 r    1512 F8  8.1  7.8   20-  54     23  98  72S 270
22 23 42 29 r  118261 K0  9.0  8.4   20-  53     35 106  69S 267
23 22 55  5 r  138084 K5  8.8  8.1   12-  40     12  98  75S 272
24 23 34 35 r  138645 K2  8.9  8.3    5-  26      6 101  36S 229
24 23 58 26 R  138649 K2  8.8  8.2    5-  26     11 104  78N 295
29 12 33  3 d    2407wF3  7.0  6.7   10+  37  -6 18 229  86N  94
R2407 = 15 Ophiuchi
30 14 21 14 D    2567 G3  7.2  6.8   19+  51     10 237  55S 125
30 14 48 53 d  185877 A2  7.5  7.3   19+  51      6 240  81N  81

The day of the event. Occult searches for events on the basis of geocentric conjunctions that occur within a 24hr - with that period starting at the UT indicated in the date selection box. Users should ensure that the period starts near the middle of their day.
The predicted UTC, in hours, mins and secs.
The Phase of the event. Values are:
  • D - disappearance
  • d - disappearance, but star is less than 1 mag brighter than the predicted visibility limit.
  • R - reappearance
  • r - reappearance, but star is less than 1 mag brighter than the predicted visibility limit.
  • Gr - grazing occultation at site. At mid-occultation, or closest approach, the star is less than 4" from the limb of the moon (either above or below).
  • gr - grazing occultation at site, but star is less than 1 mag brighter than the predicted visibility limit.
  • M - miss. At closest approach, the star is more than 4" above the limb of the moon 
  • m - miss, but star is less than 1 mag brighter than the predicted visibility limit.
The star identifier. Three formats are used:
  • nnnn - A ZC star. When reporting occultations, the catalogue is identified with 'R'.
  • nnnnn, or
    nnnnnn - An SAO star. When reporting occultations, the catalogue is identified with 'R'.
  • X nnnnnn - an XZ star. When reporting occultations, the catalogue is identified with 'X'.
The double star code
Star's spectral type. Only basic spectral type information is provided
Mag v
The star's visual magnitude
Mag r
The star's red magnitude. For observers using CCD video cameras, the red magnitude provides a better indication of visibility.
The variable star code
% ill
the percent illumination of the moon. If followed by a +, values are for a waxing moon; - for a waning moon; and E for illumination during a lunar eclipse.
the elongation of the moon from the sun, in degrees. [Strictly, the quantity is calculated as the elongation of the star from the sun]
Sun Alt
the altitude of the sun. The field is blank if the sun is lower than -12 deg. (Nautical twilight)
Moon Alt
the altitude of the moon
Moon Az
the azimuth of the moon
Cusp Angle - the angle of the event around the limb of the moon, measured from the nearest cusp. -'ve values indicate a bright limb event. The cusps are usually N (north) or S (south), but near full moon can be E (East) or W (west).

If a lunar eclipse is in progress, CA gives is the % distance from the centre of the umbra, and is followed by a 'U'. Values up to 103% are possible. Where an event occurs more than 103% of the umbral radius, the usual Cusp Angle value is displayed.
Position Angle - the angle of the event around the limb of the moon, measured from true north